New England / North East Ride?

Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend, as this is my son's busy H.S. Graduation weekend.

Y'all have fun now. Looking forward to meeting more of you at some point.
I'd like to join
This should be a good time. I may not be able to make this trip after getting everything started. I will be having surgery on May 8th. I may have a long recovery. I will know more after the surgery.

If you are indeed interested it would be best for you to plan some lodging now. I have not tried to yet as I may not make it. However if it comes down to it I have no issues staying at a nearby campground.

Go to the Bennington Bash web site for accommodations in the area.

So after a 2 hour surgery last week I am not feeling too bad. I may make this trip. I am having a few issues today but nothing I can't get over. I actually rode one of my kids bikes today. A bike that was totaled last May after a bad crash. I have been putting it back together as my son could afford parts. A 2013 Ninja 636. Today it was finished and I took it for a rip. I had to move my Rocket to get the Ninja out of the garage and then had to start the Rocket to put it back into the garage but only rode it into the garage. I did not ride it as I became a little fatigued after being on my feet for a few hours. I will ride the Rocket tomorrow. So who is still in?

Glad everything went well...............hope to see you in Bennington trying to fit it in
Other priorities will preclude my attendance. Wish it were otherwise, but that's the way it is...
So today I am cleaning an oil spill in my basement instead of enjoying the ride I so wanted to do. I had 200 gallons of fuel oil delivered last Thursday. My wife and I went to Williamsburg, VA on Friday for the memorial day weekend and stayed until Thursday. The fuel tank that was installed in 1976 sprung a leak while we were gone. Needless to say I will be cleaning floors and tossing a lot of stuff in the trash this weekend.

I am sorry to those that made the trip to the Bash as I was looking forward to meeting many of you. For the Captains in the South Eastern area of Massachusetts and Rhode Island I would like to get together for a ride sooner than later.

Best Regards to all, Rick