New clothing for 2.5 L Rockets

You know you want to.

Or there is the all black version

And one even with a shift pad.

That top one sucks but the other tow are not bad. They could thematically match the new Rockets.
Thank you. I've ordered a couple of these. I'm in Hawaii for a few weeks. Ben looking for a shirt for my friend. Just Harley garb. I like the idea of a Rocket shirt better. Thanks again.
Thank you. I've ordered a couple of these. I'm in Hawaii for a few weeks. Ben looking for a shirt for my friend. Just Harley garb. I like the idea of a Rocket shirt better. Thanks again.

Thank you!
not a 2.5 new clothing but since Triumph announced its partnership with the In&Motion airbag jacket company, I'm adding this link here instead of creating a separate one : #5 at Motorcycle airbag jacket