New...and tryin' to figure it out.

Good post, thanks for the info. A question: I was talking to the dealer I am thinking about buying from and he mentioned that the Roadster has a different cam, in other words it was more than just the pipe and mapping to increase the power. Any validity in what he is saying?

Need to validate something that the dealer mentioned yesterday. When we were talking about the differences between the Roadster and the Touring, he said that the cams were different and that pipe and mapping wasn't enough. Any validity in what he was saying?
Welcome to the horde from Northern Michigan. I love my Touring and with the tune in it, I am quite happy. I pull a Bushtec trailer on long trips also.

I havn't seen a bike towing a trailer yet. Do you have a photo to post? How much weight can it handle? How does it feel when you are riding?
AS usual the dealers mouth is brown, the camshafts are the same in both bikes

If it's true it's irrelevant from what I've seen here. I'm not terribly into the technical stuff myself, but what I've seen here in the forum is that the R3T is always just a little shy of the top numbers the R3R is able to put out. For example a setup that adds an average 40hp on R3Rs will only give a 38hp boost to R3Ts, pretty trivial differences. I know the final drive for the R3T has a sharper angle than an R3R to handle the smaller rear wheel and this is what I always attribute the power difference to.

How do you go about the cat delete? I have emailed just about every US and UK parts dealer looking for a cat by-pass or decat box etc and no one has one for sale? I tried to get my dealer to do it but they said they can't touch it. They are happy to re-tune the bike once it is modified but can't sell me anything to remove replace it. I also have a 2015 model so maybe that is the difference??? I want my X to sound a little more aggressive just not HD annoying. I did just order the K&N filter kit that requires cutting of the bearclaw. I am told the "sucking sound" they will now create makes for a unique sound but still not a rumble.