The touring Rocket has less power and a narrower rear tyre for a reason. I ride a 2006 classic tourer (not touring). I must say that in a straight line my bike is a whole lot of fun and it goes without saying that there isn't much out there that will intimidate me in a straight line (especially Harleys.. haha, they try to power away and you just run with them, then when you know they've run out of puff a quick twist if the throttle and you're gone). On the highway it is an extremely comfortable and capable tourer, easily eating up the miles.
Where it gets tricky, for me anyway, is going into the twisties. It is then that I sometimes wish for less power and a narrower back tyre.. yeah I know, I am the only guy on this forum to actually say I sometimes want less power and a smaller tyre!! But the Touring was developed that way for a reason; It is easier to handle and the throttle is more manageable in that application. Going against what most have advised here about boosting power, I would like to be able to "de-tune" my bike in certain situations just to make it more flexible to ride (like the multistrada duke). I think Triumph would have done better to do this with the Touring Rocket, adjustable mapping including a full power mode (to match the roadster) for those long straightaways and big hills.
I wouldn't trade the bike I have, not just yet anyway, but there is a good reason why there are now 2 Rockets to choose from. My bike is just not as capable as
either a Roadster or a Touring, but I love the
challenge of riding it and when people see my smaller (175lb, 5-10) than the average 200+lb size, they often comment and wonder how I manage it (I sometimes wonder myself! ).
Good luck with whatever you choose, I am sure you will come to the right decision