Never been in the Rain


.020 Over
May 5, 2024
Richmond, VA
2022 R3 GT Black
I have seen this being posted in many of the listings for sale and also when people talk about their motorcycles.
what do they mean by that and what do they think it means to others? I have been very confused and felt like I shouldnt be asking stupid questions but finally decided to ask here.

For context, I drove in the rain last week and although the r3 performed flawlessly and I didnt ever feel like i may lose control, the rain was hitting me like golf balls and thats the only reason I stopped and waited out for the rain to stop.

The only thing i can think of is that you have enough money to just buy things and keep it as a showpiece and not be bothered about it. I am not wealthy like that and whatever i buy I try to use it to the fullest extent possible for me.

What are your thoughts?
I think they mean it literally (assuming they're honest), and what it means to others is a garage-kept or covered motorcycle that is worth more because it will likely have a lot less corrosion/rust than bikes that are ridden in the rain. Water is insidious in the damage it can do over time, and salt water (like from winter roads) even more so.

In my case I also have a Tiger 1200 and, since that bike is better suited to rain (narrower tires and better protection from spray), I use it for long distances and bad weather, and reserve the Rocket for good weather. Though in my mind anything below a 50% chance of precipitation is "good weather," so mine still sees some rain and occasional road salt. But not nearly as much as the Tiger.
I have and always have had one bike at a time because to me that's enough and a whole lot less maintenance etc. Like you I buy a bike to ride it and not just have it, there seem to be more havers than riders in general. I don't ride my Rocket to the coffee shop just to stand around and jaw flap about it, I don't ride it to the coffee shop period (mainly because it's such a cliche' and I would feel like a douche doing it ). I take my bike to work unless there is ice on the roads or the temps get above 100F and use the car when I have to. Whenever someone asks me about my Rocket the conversation inevitably turns into them telling me what they have, or worse, what they used to ride. I always ask them flat out "Do you ride it?" and the answer is more often than not some long winded excuse involving wives, kids and shops. Posers have bikes and Bikers ride them.
@elidst01 -- salt water (like from winter roads) even more so.

I can completely understand this and i appreciate when people say this. If it never sees the rain then what about the washing of the bike itself? do people never wash/clean the bike? because water will get in no matter how good you wipe it. I have used bikes for 10+ years and have seen little corrosion when it is riden regularly v/s being holed up in the garage because of the moisture unless it is temp controlled.

@Protonhound I take my bike to work unless there is ice on the roads or the temps get above 100F and use the car when I have to.
I do the same. But sometimes i also ride to the coffee shop when going/coming back and someone invariable asks/says they take care of their bike so well and it never sees the rain etc. If I buy a used bike I would much prefer someone who rides it regularly which also means they know the problems v/s someone who has kept it in the garage and says its perfect showroom condition. Any metal thing kept in a closed space over time will corrode much faster than something that is used regularly.
I hate riding in the rain. If I am just out on a casual cruise, I will turn around to avoid it, if possible. But on a trip? She gets a good bath when we get home. I have never had a problem with corrosion. Wax and detail sprays are your friend. Hopefully, some of our British and NW US people can chime in. They deal with wet weather all the time.
oh LORD, Don't forget to pick up your maxi pads on the way back from your dry only rides!
You mean like these??

oh LORD, Don't forget to pick up your maxi pads on the way back from your dry only rides!
Nah, I’m retired. I have great rain gear that goes everywhere with me. If I have to go from point A to B, I’ll pull over and put on my rain gear. if you enjoy a shower that turns into a deluge and goes down your crack and into your boots, more power to you. Manly or duckish?