Neutral switch failed

the icky

Standard Bore
Jan 9, 2007
:? Hi there again

Once more I throw myself on the collective database before I make a total prat of myself.

I couldn't find anything in the technical section, so here goes. (I could be blind as well as a prat, worrying)

Problem, neutral switch has stopped working. This is no great shakes neutral is easy to find and you really don’t need an idiot light to tell you when its out of gear, the pain is that the engine cuts out when you put the side stand down which is just an annoyance.

Now I recon the switch is a bit sticky and needs a bit of a clean out (or a whack with a hammer!) and if I'm not mistaken the switch resides to the rear of the main sump plate with a couple of wires attached and held in with a couple of bolts and this should come out fairly easily.

But I am of the thinking "it takes a couple of seconds to answer a stupid question, but it can take a lot longer to sort out a stupid mistake" so is my thinking correct or am, I as mentioned above, a prat? (blind or otherewise)

Grateful for any help I can get
Cheers folks

The Icky
Hey icky your right it could be a wee bit dirty and it on the back of the engine left habd side about 7 O clock as you look at the rear output shaft. it is at the level of the shifter shaft going into the tranny. Did you check the kickstand switch?
Many thanks Warp

Sadly the side stand switch is okay so no easy fix there.

your directions to the neutral switch is a great help, hopefully there are no internal nasites (like a spring about to "boing" into the bowels of the engine) waiting for me I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks again
the Icky
You'll be fine I took the one off my extra engine and the pin stays in the engine. I can see where it could use some cleaning as there are brass contact points for the pin to send a signal at each gear. I will see about a picture when I get home.
It's been discussed before.


I eventually put a new one in as water gets in somehow and the terminals corrode
Here you go icky first one is the indicator as it came out of the 07 engine 11.5 K on the clock You can see the contact areas are wearing a little and are tarnished clean them.

next is the engine block see the pin it make the contac and send the signal to the ecu.

Hope this helps.
John I don't know about any recalls and I am not saying this one is bad I would clean it up and apply some dialectric grease and roll with it till it won't work.

Many thanks for all the help

I have got it working again thanks to a little cleaning.
Now here's a thought having looked at the way it is set up would it be possible to swap the 4th and 5th gear contacts and fool the cpu into thinking it's in 4th when in top and thus letting it rev a little more? a touch more top end for the speed freaks. (nothing could be that simple could it?)

Dunno if it would work, just a thought.

Cheers Folks
You're going to have more problems than just a neutral light and side stand killing your motor if that sensor is shot.

Your ECU won't use the right maps if it doesn't know what gear your in, it'll always pull from the same map no matter what.

This could be good but it could also be bad.