Need TTS mapping help (tuneboy )

This is what I was referring to , the TTS "service".
So Wayne has contacted you, Justin Lakes? From what I am getting from these posts, you have bought the Tuneboy package, correct? So you will have the newest software and the tune on TTS site is like 12 years old. If Wayne converts the tune on TTS site to work with your new software you can put it in and the bike will go, with Stepper motor removed and MAP not active. Then your dyno man can tune it. You WILL need a high flow pump or the bike will not have enough fuel at WOT. There is a Walbro pump which goes straight in , I cannot get the number of the top of my head, but if you use the "search" function here on this site I am sure it will come up.
I have a link for all the new software, I stored it on Google Drive.

The problem is, he will need to activate your vin for the new software which is done seperate now.

It took, oh, only like 12 months from time of purchase to finally being able to use it, but you're already 6 months ahead by getting a response.

I will say this, Tuneboy vs TuneECU, the bike always idled slightly better with tuneboy tunes and ran slightly smoother, even with identical tables loaded in each. I have no explanation why other than Wayne's manipulated variables that Alain has not which we cannot see.
Here's all the software:

Having linking issues, standby.

Ok the forums or Google drive are not cooperating.

If you PM me your email I'll mail you all the files, which will work with the new format of tune, then Wayne will just need to activate it with your vin and you'll be all set.
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Walbro 342 its like 255 liters per hour and increase the fuse size from my memory of some God in a tin shed
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Mr Tin shed was dead on right, mine ran out of fuel exactly at 240 who, after the fuel pump no more issues.
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You are correct.. wayne contacted me and I do have the newest version of tuneboy.. I do believe the Map from TTS is old which is why I'm having issues.
Yes the pump part number above is the one, and because I am somewhat jet lagged and old, I forgot to tell you to add five amps to the fuel pump fuse. I believe Wayne will be able to rectify your issue. Your more pressing issue will be to find a tuner who will use Tuneboy AND be able to tune the bike..... Good luck with that. If you can do that, the Tuneboy software is stable and works fine.
Oh btw the pump suggested will support nearly 350hp so I doubt you will have an issue there
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I do have to add, when using tuneboy I was able to validate the launch control and multiple map functionality. Works exactly as advertised.

I did not try traction control at all or the flat shifting option that's integrated.
Thanks buddy !!
I do have to add, when using tuneboy I was able to validate the launch control and multiple map functionality. Works exactly as advertised.

I did not try traction control at all or the flat shifting option that's integrated.
It seems like the tuneboy will be great once I get it going.