I mostly use fly screens or the clear on called the sports screen. Except in the fall when its getting chilly out. Lately I've been using a custom fly screen which is not as aerodynamic but it looks cool so I live with it. Absolutely love the clear sports screen. I just you can set your chin on the tank and see right between the gauges as you twist her up.
Normal highway speeds are great. Heavy rains well once you establish the warp bubble ..
If you decide its not for you and want to sell it. I will gladly take it off your hands. If I use a screen in cooler weather I prefer the smaller screen .
Personally I think the triumph screens look dated on the roadster. I would consider the cost of materials to tint the existing and then the cost of an aftermarket screen that is already tinted and doesn't have the old looking chrome supports. just my view, I'm sure other folk like the older look.
Secdem/bullster make a medium sized tinted shield with black mounting parts ..manufactured in france can be found on the net with pictures .had one but did not care for the mounting brackets made my own. bolted them to the vertical fork mounts of the sportscreen worked perfectly for me
Secdem/bullster make a medium sized tinted shield with black mounting parts ..manufactured in france can be found on the net with pictures .had one but did not care for the mounting brackets made my own. bolted them to the vertical fork mounts of the sportscreen worked perfectly for me