Need help choosing a tire, please.

I'm officially a Darksider. Picked up the tire yesterday, pulled the wheel last night, shop mounted it and I reinstalled it tonight. Only a 40 mile ride so far, first impressions...mixed. On pavement, at highway speeds, love it. Smoother and seems quieter than the bike tire, tracks fine. Twisties, a little different but still fine-takes a bit more effort to counterstear, but after a 40 miles I was comfortable with it. My county road is 3 miles of hardpacked dirt. A little different, more wander on ruts/uneven terrain. Worse than stock, but not bad. My driveway is more uneven...not good there. It's do-able but going to take some getting used to. Crowns/ruts sort of point the bike where they want to. My impression-prefer a bike tire....but for the price difference, I think this will be fine. Need to optimize tire pressure and get used to it.

The stock Metzeler 880 is $301 (Revzilla). Mine was dangerous at 6900 miles (cord showing-my bad, didn't realize how quickly they wore), safe life is ~6000. Lets say the Darkside last 30,000. That's 5x$300=$1500 worth of "stock" tires (alternatives do exist but are still spendy). Vs. ~$110 for the Darkside. For the price difference (not even counting mounting and balancing, let alone my time to pull the wheel), I'll learn to LOOOVVEEE the Darkside. Even without the price difference, I suspect I will anyway with a bit more time on it.
I doubt I'll go darkside, though mo power to those who do. I agree, moto tires of the type we need aren't cheap. I'll buy mine in the winter time, one one month and the other the next month, and come just before the dealer's shop fills up for spring maintenance, I'll get mine mounted.
Honestly i love the dark side rear tire, i don't even notice the difference in deep turns. However i ride on fairly smooth roads to work. This is my first experience with a car tire on my bike.

I just put a new one on last fall, just before being snowed in for the winter. Shot now....2-3 sets of tires a year doesn't fit my budget. 100 miles a day commuting eats tires!
What are you guys finding the "sweet spot" to be for tire pressure? I started at 38 and was going to play-not sure if I should start going up or down.
Try going down to between 32-34psi and see if this better.

Thanks. Took it to 35 for the ride home tonight, will keep going down.

eta, thanks for the tip. Took it up a favorite tight, twisty road next to a lake, just a short distance from work. Tight turns one after the other, some down to 15mph suggested. No problem at 2-3x the legal limit and no problem throwing it around from side to side. Picked up the wife from work and rode home-much better than at 38psi-less tendency to "tip" with the crown of the road, and much better on the dirt, even two up. Will try 32psi tomorrow and see how it feels.
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Andy; what was your final choice? I just bought an spare rim and want to install a CT on it. This will be the long road trip set up.
Andy; what was your final choice? I just bought an spare rim and want to install a CT on it. This will be the long road trip set up.
I installed my own tire on this bike once, then vowed never again. Didn't even want to attempt the CT. When you find an installer let me know, I still want to join the DS. Lupe was running the BF Goodrich that's what I would try.