Neck bearing replacement made easy.

Those wrenches are pure garbage. Bought a set and found out they bend real easy. China's best. Same quality you find in kits for assemblies like shelf's and stuff bought at wall-mart. This don't bend. Made and fixed in the U.S.A.
Those wrenches are pure garbage. Bought a set and found out they bend real easy. China's best. Same quality you find in kits for assemblies like shelf's and stuff bought at wall-mart. This don't bend. Made and fixed in the U.S.A.
What were you bending them with? The head bearings torque is just 40nm max.

The stock tools allow fitment of a torque wrench square drive if you do not already have a 38mm socket.
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They are made of junk metal and after a few times you use them they start to open up . Plus the handle is to short.
just called Hurmy's....they took my VIN and recommended number 13, 5, 6, 7(the flat wrench, one pair)
Also, they only could see two races and one bearing as required for the service???? so is the ordering bearing from triumph recommended or do we shop from different place......? Shouldn't it be two bearings and two races???
Two bearings. Two races. The triumph bearings will work just make sure you pack them well with grease. I used Lucas marine green. Call them back and tell them you plan to replace both bearings top and bottom. Don't forget that you will need a 30 mm socket for nut on top of tree. The wrench's will work but you are still going to need a 1 1/2 socket for the adjustments. Torque wrench required.
Just got off the Phone with Wajhi. Folks he is good people.
thanks a lot Sonny, for spoon feeding me the entire process..... love this forum’s brotherhood!!!!
As they say, always seek help from the wise.......
Which one will you vouch for?


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