Naming your Ride.

I once made two errors while riding home. Arriving at the last traffic light before entering the open roads outside the city, I used the possibilities of a motorcycle to pass by all the cars.

The first car at the traffic light was a suped up Golf GTI with an angry young man inside, who did not want to let me pass.

The first error: I gave him no chance...
The second error: I did not see that the second car was my wife...

At home, I blamed it on the TFC...

...since than my wife calls her "Christine"...

My wife is quite adamant about not following me, in a car, while I am riding any of my bikes. Oddly, when she is on her bikes she has no issue being behind me...
We've always named those on two and four wheels that we plan to keep and are like family.
Fiona is my R3T
Delilah is my HD V-Rod (named by my bride who said she was my 'temptress')
Mischief is my wife's HD Fat Boy
Diane is my '70 Buick GS455 Convertible
Miss B'Havin is my Ford F-150
Lolita is my wife's Challenger SRT 392

We have quite the family...