H.D /Ducati/Suzuki shop here in Albany handed back their Triumph dealership 12 months ago. Taken up by Morgans Motorcycles .. best thing that could have happened. Not heard a good word about the HD shop, Morgans have been great in my dealings with them. Not always a bad thing for a crap business to stop f#cking riders around hey
They replaced Nolton's tire if memory serves and fixed an idle issue at RAA 6 (?) but they still sucked. Nolton rode in from the swamp with cords showing..............maniac.
They replaced Nolton's tire if memory serves and fixed an idle issue at RAA 6 (?) but they still sucked. Nolton rode in from the swamp with cords showing..............maniac.
They replaced Nolton's tire if memory serves and fixed an idle issue at RAA 6 (?) but they still sucked. Nolton rode in from the swamp with cords showing..............maniac.
I shall endeavor to not let that atrocity take place again. Certain persons shun gatherings of folks him does not know very well. My mind is a twisted maze of cellular magma about to erupt. Be thankful for the blessings as they are presented to you, like my absence. My mind is getting better these days, mountain life is beginning to unwind and untie the knots that city life installed.