ve1rfb, not much to modify on the mount. I just bent the mounting plates to match the angle of the rocket neck webbing ( the flat parts that the plastic trim bolts to) and cut the top of them off at the same angle as the motor mount tubes. Installed 2 threaded inserts in the web plate on each side and bolted them on. You will need to fab, or buy the HD crash bar brace delete internal bracing kit. I made mine from pictures on line and 14 GA. Plate.
I fabbed the main frame out of aluminum trying to save weight, but will be changing it to steel, it flexes too much while riding on anything but pristine asphalt. I'm hoping doing that will make it so I don't have to fab braces for the sides. I can post some pictures of the mounts when I get back home from work tomorrow night.
The guages are just a cheap set from the part store, just there to plug the holes till winter, nor even hooked up and I'm one short. Might use them, they don't look bad. Getting a wide band and an afr for the last spot.