My Moto Hobo life

Thanks for your concerns on my well-being in the “Where’s Tribal” post.
It was locked before I could reply.

I am alive & well and will be leaving Florida next week heading up the East Coast.
Just stay out of the woods ...... there's a bear in there, and stories to tell!*

Yep, my indexed annual pension would cover that US$45...........The urge.... Zilch
I spent too many years touring a large chunk of this country, in a 4x4, camping out bush and getting paid for it, to do it all year long for fun!

Little bits at a a time for this Hobo but hey @tribal you got at least 15 years left out of your house before you even touch your investments!
For those who are wondering, yes the Moto Hobo does still exist! He's cruising through southern Arizona now while staying with forum member TURBO200R4 and some of us fellow rocket riders (myself, Maurice, & Benard) had the opportunity to take an awesome ride with him from Tucson, to Bisbee via Sonoita and Tombstone. Great ride and I enjoyed his company and stories. I may have the number a little wrong, but I believe he said he's up to about 38,000 miles on this journey of a lifetime.

The way I understand it, Tribal is currently under some posting restrictions but I'd like to ask the mods to help clear that up since this community is certainly a better one with his unique voice.

Yes Jim is staying with us at the shop and he has been teaching me computer and i have been helping a bit while he is making a few repairs for a long run.
I wish i could have made the Saturday run but had a leak in the radiator.