Many many moons ago, I used to work tech support for Epson, I dealt with the U.S. lines, I was busy doing a couple of things at once when another call came through, and I quickly seen Tucson as the location of the call, I mis-pronounced the name, as soon as I did it I realized what I had done and before I could apologize and correct myself, I got ripped up one side and down the other for it.
The gentleman then went on to mention how he had visited some towns in Northern Canada in Winter, when it was really cold (September, apparently our season cycle is different to yours, in Northern Ontario), and how some of the town names were pronounced different than they appeared, but he made sure he knew how to pronounce them before going up, because it was the respectful thing to, and us young people had no respect for anything, he then pronounced the towns, Cochrane, Kaspuskasing, Chapleau, and Hearst, and managed to absolutely butcher each one of those names.
Of course being professional at work, I indicated "with all due respect sir, the names of the towns that you mentioned are actually pronounced", and I went through each one, apparently, I didn't know what I was talking about, I had probably never been that far north, and he had to fly in to get there. To which, I could have just let it go, well, no, not really, once again I had to explain "with all due respect sir, (in the most cheerful voice you could imagine), before coming to Epson, I just happened to be living in, oh, Northern Ontario, go figure, and the towns mentioned, I dealt with many people, in many business's, in all those towns, many times, through out many years. YOU'RE WRONG, and apparently a little more disrespectful than you thought.
All i got back after that was a, Uh, Uh, Well, Uh, click
I did learn, never mis-pronounce Tucson though