My Moto Hobo life

They should have a Basketball team called the Tucson Toucans and buy in 'Toucan Sam' for a team mascot ...
But keep it Old School FFS!

More storm coming and days more cold too.
Fill the bath! If power or water go you can still flush your toilet with a bucket or even just a plastic bag then.
I'm amazed and grateful that a man would open his shop and business to help someone in trouble so through. My hat's off to you Herman. are an AWESOME person. Like a good antique people like you are hard to find! Good karma my friend!
You weighed more? Musta found the hot pockets bush!
Vegas is truly a fascinating place and it would have been nice to stay a week but I headed southeast with a quick detour to cross the Hoover Dam.

At the midway point you can have one foot in Nevada and the other in Arizona.

Back in 89' I took the tour down inside the dam. Was a 700 ft ride down inside to hear noisy turbines while sweating. My wife got claustrophobic. I would imagine Covid has it closed. If not, don't recommend it.
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