My Moto Hobo life

Whats your next stop? Do you plan or go where the wind takes you?
In case you havent already, check out texas parks and wildlife. There are ALOT of parks. Theres bound to be some along any route you take.
The comment " You meet a of the interesting people on the road" should make everything else seem everyday bull. Which I am sure it does. RIDING across America is the best way. People love something out of the normal routine and are more than happy to see you on the road RIDING. That is why you can not fill your gas tank without a good conversation with someone. That is why when you pull into a rest stop someone always comes up and starts a conversation. Pull in for food and it is Nothing but smiles and hellos. Enjoy and embrace it. Every individual that strikes a conversation with you is just showing you admiration for your spirit and wishing to share. It comes with the territory. Back in the day a lot of campsites had signs NO MOTORCYCLES ALLOWED. That was long before trailering became popular. I even remember a time when you had a problem getting a room for the night if you showed up on a bike. Nowadays things are different. You are the minority with a free spirit and people need to see that. Especially Nowadays.
Unlike in the "easyrider" movie. In spite of the bad ending, that inspired me to want to go on a road trip. And especially that tv show "then came bronson". I was 11 when that came out and i was enthralled.
I am budgeting to do mine for around Aussie for $500.00
i will be keen to see how you keep going on your budget,

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Whats your next stop? Do you plan or go where the wind takes you?
In case you havent already, check out texas parks and wildlife. There are ALOT of parks. Theres bound to be some along any route you take.

See Events:


Be there or be square!! Or wait until the actual event... Beware of the dog though - quite unpredictable these beasts.
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Ha, that's so true. You walk out of a convenience store with helmet in hand and stand 2' from your Rocket and still some 'inquisitive' person will ask, "Is that your motorcycle?" "No lady, I'm a passenger on that little short yellow bus now pardon me while I put my helmet on and go sit inside of it."


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