My Moto Hobo life

Well after some good rides with Jim he loaded up had a small electric prob with running lights that we fixed and he is heading out on a new adventure.
good luck (i will miss JIm) and safe ridding.
Next time i ride to Phoenix or come out to Phoenix i wanna come hang out at the shop where this master surgery all went down. Herman i hope i get the chance to meet you on of these days youre certainly a special cat.
Wow what a great looking place.
Is that the famous wall we keep hearing about on the boarder?

Don't look like the concrete one he was going on about.
Once again thanks for the pictures and for allowing us to be a part of your experience. I actually pulled out Google maps and was able to see some of those locations in Ajo you took pics of.

PS, if you look up the next starry night, you might see me looking at you through Google Earth. Wave and smile.... but no moons
Thanks for the photos and videos
Please keep them coming .

I hope to start phase one of my around Australia on my rocket after Xmas on the blacktop and
looking at a Adventure bike to do the dirt and desert.

A big thumbs up from me And I will be watching with interest .