Mustang Hard Saddlebags


Apr 1, 2013
Chilliwack B.C.
2014 R3R / 2017 R3T
Good day all,
I did a search on the forum and could not find any info on Mustang Hard Saddlebags;
Universal Studded Saddlebag Set 13300 | Mustang Motorcycle Seats
I am curious is anyone has used this product on their R3R or R3T? If so what do you think and do you have any pictures? I plan on purchasing easy brackets so I can remove the bags when not required, for me that will be most of the time. All the customer reviews I can find on the net seem very positive just looking for some R3 owner advice, thanks
You would probably be the first with those bags.. Good looking bags though. Due to the slant on the R3R exhaust, you would probably have to mount them at a bit of an angle or a little higher up than those pics show on the Softail.

Dont forget to post pictures when you get some bags as i would also like to know if i can find some cheap hard saddlebags
Not a problem, I will post picks. I'm not in a rush to get something so every time I see something that has potential I bookmark it. I guess to make the decision easier i should try to figure out what the maximum size that will fit on the R3R and then go from there. The search continues
A buddy of mine just ordered a set of these;
GA Series Hard Saddlebags [RIDE-GA] - $134.95 : Ridebikegear.comMotorcycle Saddlebags, Motorcycle Panniers, Luggage & Accessories
$150 bucks, hard, lockable saddlebags. We kinda looked at each other when we saw the price, all I can say are expectation are not to high. If they are crap at least he can return them. We were just curious on what they look like and how they are made. As soon as my buddy recieves them I will take some pics and post, like I said for that price there are no high expectations but you never know.
So what did your friend think of the bags? I would be interested in a set of these Mutazu style bags just for use on a yearly trip and not for everyday use.