Mountain High BBQ Festival

I agree. I know a guy that's a good BBQ vendor that should go and cook there
Hopefully he will be set up there next year cause that will be where I buy my BBQ from
I've never found any bbq in Mayberry that I would go back for.
@JoseyR3Wales have you ever tried the depot at Cody Creek Glenn? Not a Q joint but they had good vitals and the ribs were respectable. About 7 miles from the Surrey Inn.

Been a few years since we have been there though.
Well folks. Today has been a tough one mentally. Too much time to think. Its been a tough couple of weeks for me. The house will probably be up for sale next year.I may make Mayberry Days my last public appearance. The dreams I chase will not come to fruition. The dream is dead now, the revolution will be televised. Josey hits 60 in October, all dreams and pie baking will probably cease then. The years will erase the memories.
still thinking about out west?know where yet?get out my way let me know if you need anything
@JoseyR3Wales What's up, boss ?

If we have our health, we have everything. Is that weighing on your mind ?

I'm one step behind you, with years to go to even think about retiring, what with two children yet to launch and so on.

"Last public appearance" sounds like Elvis, and so final. And dreams should last forever -- at least the lifetime of the holder. And if you write them, they can survive you.

Just saying.

You have friends here.
Josey I don't have many friends. I believe all the years of drinking that I did before I sobered up ran them off. So the friends I have now I hang onto dearly. I know that you and I don't talk everyday, go fishing, hunting etc.... but I know that I have a true friend not to far away that would do about anything to help me if something is wrong. So I hope you feel the same about me. Don't ever hesitate to give me a call. A shared problem is half way solved is my thinking.

I know that we southern boys sometimes do to much thinking. We're the quiet type that don't talk so I believe that's why we think to much.

Now that there is a d@mn shame. Don't go quietly into that good it like you're stealing home in game 7 of the world series...slide in all skint up and grinnin. H3ll 60 is just a number. I've shared a quart and a few miles with've still got some kick left in you