Motorcycle Songs

Bonus Tracks:

A faster Journey travelling song dedicated to our southeastern U.S. brethren!


And one for the long straight aways. RIP Elvis!

OK, a few encores...

Pre-Twisty Psyching Up song for 2020 RAA East:

Two legends for the price of one:

Another song about riding to nowhere...

OZZY OZZY OZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picking up the pace a bit.

Nap time now.

Kewl music! Never knew that Kiss Rocket Ride before - a WAY Good tune for the Road!
The others are good songs (love Steve Perry) but, slow songs for a motor rip are anti-inspirational for me.

I think Steve Perry has/had one of the best voices in rock music, but I can't stand anything by Journey, lol.

Best driving/riding expression I have ever heard
Wind - In my hair
Shifting and drifting
Mechanical music
Adrenaline surge...
Well-weathered leather, Hot metal and oil
The scented country air
Sunlight on chrome, The blur of the landscape
Every nerve aware

Loved this song since it came out. In my youth, I liked the idea of driving fast etc.
Past middle age, still driving fast, I see the song may portend the future
Have it on my plate frame - no one can read it and I really don't care - I know it is there
And yes - I am a music geek