Motorcycle safety fact sheet - NHTSA Aug 2019 w/2017 data

Ever hear of health insurance? How do you figure taxpayers?
Everything not compulsory should be forbidden, everything not forbidden should be compulsory, I guess.
Some people love the nanny state, I guess, what about gloves, boots, and leathers, should there be a law for that? What about a speed limiter? I know you ride way over the speed limit, Steve, why should I subsidize your recklessness? I just don't understand how you can reconcile helmet laws with Conservative beliefs, seems like an oxymoron.
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For all of us, it's a matter of degree. To answer one little question -- LONG before Obama Care -- we had defacto universal care, which continues. For an example close to home - my father - 89 - no savings - social security and medicaid only. He has real healthcare costs, and had colon cancer a while back (caught early, treatable - apparently full recovery) which was a pretty penny. He quickly realized, other than paying $5 here and there for co-pays, he simply could not pay. And yet, the doctors continue to see him, and he continues to receive medications. He has never touched a motorcycle.

Multiply this by, say, 35 million people, and it adds up. Same argument applies to smoking. Much of that care, like my father, is indirectly compensated. So people who don't wear helmets are disproportionately represented in the 'expensive' category for their care, and many of those do not have adequate medical coverage, and they get treated anyway.

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts wrote the opinion for the majority when opponents sued against the mandate of Obama Care, he correctly identified that it was a resource allocation law, just like the IRS code, and Congress was well within their power to compel people with visible income to give more of it to the government, to spread to those who need help with health care. All this was doing is exposing the tax flow to hospitals and doctors. Interesting to note that original elements of Obama Care that would have started to address the unsustainable spiraling cost of medical treatment in this country, were stripped out to gain the support of the hospitals and AMA. And we are truly broken. By some measures, the US is 37th (or worse) in ranking for health of our citizens, while spending about double per capita the next nearest country for which data is available - interesting read: Well - what we need to talk about health.

Certainly not going to solve anything here. Can be useful to better understand the environment in which we live and ride.
Florida is a helmet state, if you are 21 or under you MUST wear a helmet if over 21 and you choose not to wear a helmet you must carry insurance for $10000 stating I am riding without a helmet--in plain English-I choose not to protect the most important part of my body-- I have had a few insurance agaents in my motorcycle class and not one of them said they would write such a policy.
Nearly all helmetless riders in Florida are breaking the law but as it is a secondary offence the police cannot pull you over just for that but I hear they are trying to change it to a primary offence -oh boy will Florida be rolling in fine money

Good to know. I always wear mine but wondered about those that didn't here...
Some of the laws we have and don't have are mind boggling. We all have to wear seat belts in our cars. Yet we have none on motorcycles. Nicotine is added into cigarettes and vapes to make the user addicted to it. A simple law saying no nicotine can be added to anything would save millions of lives.
Ever hear of health insurance? How do you figure taxpayers?
Everything not compulsory should be forbidden, everything not forbidden should be compulsory, I guess.

What health ins.? Most young riders have none. Those that do have it, the ca values are woefully inadequate.
I understand your "freedom" concern, Amigo; however, true freedom requires full responsibility!
Wanna be free to do dangerous activities?
Don't expect everybody else to bail your ass out when you fall into the poop!
True freedom means free to be who you wish. Free to succeed, get rich, take risks . . .
All with the inherent responsibility the you alone accept the results.

Nanny state my ass! This is the whole point. Eliminate ALL the nanny state!
How about NO rules? How about no government run agencies pertaining to social good?
How about we eliminate all social agencies and let peeps be responsible for their own education, energy, health, food & shelter?
Let's just maintain person and property crime laws?
Just don't expect me to support you when your "free life" hits the fan!