Motorcycle safety fact sheet - NHTSA Aug 2019 w/2017 data

There is a statement in the document, along with a map, saying fatality is much more likely without a helmet, and with universal helmet laws, 749 more lives would have been saved.
Ah, @Tripps excursions to the absurd. This would invoke the philosophy behind environmental impact statements required for some construction proposals. An impact statement for no motorcycles would have to estimate how many people would be displaced from the economy, and have reduced standard of living as a result. Known correlations between lower socioeconomic level and illness and death would have to be applied, likely showing more people die without motorcycles than with -- just taking your absurd example to its logical conclusion.
If the motor cycle had not been invented, but some chap in California suddenly just came up with a new personal transport system which uses less fuel, has less impact on the road, and took up less road space and parking space, etc, then they would probably make those new fangled motorcycles mandatory.
It's just a difference in degree, not a difference in kind, @Joesmoe, it's purely matter of how safe you want to be. I find propounding universal helmet laws as absurd as you seem to find my proposal. I'm sorry you disagree, but your logic doesn't hold up, of course outlawing motorcycles would result in less deaths, same as outlawing guns would result in less deaths. People can always rationalize their beliefs.
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@Tripps this internet thing sure is strange. I don't think I disagreed with anything; was just having a little fun with a thought experiment. Schrödinger's Cat comes to mind.

Be well, my friend.
@Tripps this internet thing sure is strange. I don't think I disagreed with anything; was just having a little fun with a thought experiment. Schrödinger's Cat comes to mind.

Be well, my friend.

Just one?

2,000 Schrodinger's Cats set quantum superposition record

Funny how that works, I just finished a book on Einstein and Schrodinger's friendship tonight. Be well also.
I am 100% against helmet laws, but personally would never ride without a helmet, I wouldn't even wear a half helmet anymore.

Guess who pays for the hospital & life long care resultant from the catastophic head trauma incurred by helmetless riders? US taxpayers!
Why am I forced to subsidize the risk taking of others?

Unless you post a multi million dollar bond, helnets should be mandatory EVERYWHERE!