Motorcycle airbag jacket

As I'm pretty sure that you know, this is the same company that makes the vest I bought.

It would be more money, but you'd have full (front and back) protection with the latest V3. I just rode with it for the first time yesterday. Man, it's going to be hot in the summer. But I am liking the simple seat-belt type activated technology that doesn't need charging, is not affected by rain, and should activate just about no matter what. There are two gas cartridges in the V3. I think the bags are probably larger than a lot of other systems, when deployed, which is good. I'm debating whether or not to lose my current back protector, as the combination is maybe a bit much on the back side. As far as the brand goes, the workmanship seems very good. And with the MotoAir system it's all about their fastlock activator, which is what sold me on their design. Basically, it acts like your car's seatbelt. No algorithms, just a sudden jolt from any direction and it locks- you move and youLet us know what you decide.
Just ride in a Sumo suit Kevin.
AU $33.99
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Oh, man, I need a refund. Kevin- hold up! This is waaay cooler..... Just concerned that I might bounce back into traffic
GP Bikes in Canada are having a big sale and ship to US too. I think they may have more and not just airbag stuff. Postage from Canada to Australia is a no go! 70%off etc

Great progress in the airbag protections with the 4 main brands and their electronics (dainese, alpinestars, hélite and in&motion). And we can anticipate that airbags for riders will get democratized with more models, better technology and price including for trousers e.g. this on-going project of a French startup (this time it is not In&Motion) but CX Air Dynamics :

Toulouse. Une start-up toulousaine invente un pantalon airbag pour motards (in French)
The clip-in looks similar to the Italian vest I have. Motoairbag. So far, I'm liking the ripcord method of deployment. It's kinda nice in the cooler months, but wondering if I can tolerate it in the summer.....
Don't be a d$ck.
Mmmnn, you may be leaving your advice a little late, 12 years is a long time ago and actually all airbags are, figuratively speaking, prophylactic, as is any device or mechanism intended to prevent harmful consequences.
French prophylactique from Greek prophulaktikos from prophulassein to take precautions against pro- before pro–2 phulassein to protect (from phulax guard)

However, if there are any prompt suggestions for my improvement, I may be able to rectify my behaviour before it becomes habitual and ingrained!
Im impressed with the materials, i havent checked its effectiveness yet but i do wear at the track and will be wearing at rallys
huh, hello, meds
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