Motorcycle airbag jacket

Announcement over here planned for March 18 of the new electronic and autonomous HELITE airbag jacket. Distribution planned for around mid-April.
The main advantage vs the competition would be to detect better and faster thanks to the fork sensor option :

Electronic airbag system


Now available over here. I would not be surprised that the tests would conclude it is the best airbag (very fast, largest volume + a backprotector level 2) :

2 models : one for road ("e-Turtle) and one for the track

Video on the track model :

I recently bought the HIT air MLV and decided to return it. With most tethered systems you have to get separated from the bike for it to engage. That means no low sides, high sides, or rear-enders until you detach from the bike, which I would try not to do. Next I was looking hard at the Klim Ai-1 airbag vest system and almost pulled the trigger, but guess what... no low sides, high sides, or rear enders and you have to be going at least above 15mph, 30 in some cases- what? I nearly broke my clavicle on a my very steep downhill driveway after I forgot to pump the rear brakes following a tire change on a different bike (that will never happen again). Anyway, I was going less than 15mph and hit the pavement HARD before I even knew what was happening. All the "smart" Ai models that aren't physically tethered will require you to remember to keep it charged and turned on. I have a signal minder system on my bike, which may explain why that might be a concern for me, plus I ride nearly every day- charging would not be something I that I'd only have to remember to do every once in a while.

The Klim states that it will work best when it is picking up a GPS signal, and then it employs in 75 to 80% of crashes, which translates to it will probably work. Imagine an expensive helmet manufacturer claiming that in 75% or the cases, even though you put it on, the helmet will be there to protect you....

So, after a lot of Googling and finding that every choice had a significant downside, I stumbled on this European solution, the Motoairbag MAB v3, which is not available in the states. Perhaps those of you overseas will jump in on this with some comments. It is a tethered system, however, you only need to move 3 cm in a crash to activate it. Low sides, high sides, rear enders all covered. And, it's mechanical, which I actually see as a plus. It basically works like a shoulder harness seat belt (check out their website to understand)- the design is tried and true. I plan to order in the next couple of days from Italy or Switzerland... The Airbag for motorcyclists| MOTOAIRBAG

With technology where it is on these it looks like a grand for something that may work well or moto gp dainese suits north of 3000 grand, im interested in getting something for the mile and the drag strip. keep us posted @Journeyman28778 on your journey with learning about this technology.
Amazing. You worrying about fallen off? What will they think off next. No thanks i will pass.
Amazing. You worrying about fallen off? What will they think off next. No thanks i will pass.
At 250hp u better get one brutha u hooligan its not about fallen its about that beast separating from you.
Amazing. You worrying about fallen off? What will they think off next. No thanks i will pass.

Yeah, Sonny, like you, as we all know, I ride a lot, nearly every day (14K/year) in these twisty western NC mountains. And pretty spirited, as I get 4-4.5K per rear tire, if that's any indication (we've both been on those tire mileage threads recently). Chicken strips are pretty darn thin and feelers on the foot pegs are nearly gone.

It all depends where you want to draw the line and to each his own. I don't judge anyone else's safety decisions. No helmet? Remember that whole argument? No armor in your jacket, or no jacket at all cause it's hot (just a t-shirt and jeans), no boots (just flip flops for when you have to put your foot down). It's all up to you, man.

I wear a puke high-vis green helmet and armored jacket and I have extra marker lights for visibility, so cars can see me. It's very uncool and I probably shouldn't even be seen riding, but I do make it harder not to.

I keep missing the chance to ride with you at the southeast gatherings. I've wanted to- we just always end up in different riding groups. A very **** good rider at our last R3 soiree in WV who was riding directly behind me hit some gravel, went off road, and broke his clavicle. He was very lucky. It could just have easily been me or anyone else on that ride.

MC Airbags are being used routinely in racing and a lot of racers will tell you that riding on the street is more dangerous than in controlled track conditions, surrounded by other professional riders. We have people with their heads in their laps, or up their a$$ driving machines many times the size of our bikes. And, they have airbags.

The problem is, really, Sonny.... that with me, I'm not worried enough about falling off.
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