I had a Corbin on my 2005 Rocket. The first 100 to 150 are good. After that it becomes hell. No description necessary. It was hard to stand after 200 miles. As far as the skiveez, most on here are in their later part of life so why not wear Depends and kill two birds with one stone. A padded seat and you can load them up between stops. Always thinking ahead.
I had a Corbin on my 2005 Rocket. The first 100 to 150 are good. After that it becomes hell. No description necessary. It was hard to stand after 200 miles. As far as the skiveez, most on here are in their later part of life so why not wear Depends and kill two birds with one stone. A padded seat and you can load them up between stops. Always thinking ahead.
Never tried these but I do ride in Reebok boxer briefs. The wife makes fun of them...calls them my moisture wicking man panties. I don't care...WAY better than regular old cotton drawers. No seams, moisture wicking, etc. Oh...and I have put thousands of miles on several Corbin seats...and if I can't find a Corbin to fit a bike I'm looking at it could cause me to not buy the bike...YES...they are that good. Wildly over prices as previously stated, but best money I've ever spent on an accessory.
I use Moto-Skiveez when riding my vintage bike which has a crowned seat. They make a big difference.
My R3R has a Russell Day Long, no need for padding, just seamless undershorts and I'm good all day.