More On Rear Shocks


Nov 16, 2010
Del City Ok
2023 Triumph R3 GT, 2022 Moto Guzzi V85TT,
I have decided to move the rear shocks up to the top of my want /need list. The bike has 30K on it and I have never seen stock shocks last very long.
I am a lazy type so I am going to ask the group what is the stock size. I see them advertised from 11.5 to 12.5. I am assuming that 12 is the stock .
In the past I have used Progressive and Works. Liked both. Looks like the Progressive 430 is the way to go in that brand.I am a robust 245 lbs. Add the extra gear then I need a beefed up suspension.
The 418's have adjustable dampening and pre-load, and they cost less. The 440's have adjustable pre-load only but it's threaded for easy adjustment. I've had both and like the more adjustable 418's .... but either way, make sure you get the Heavy Duty. 12.5 inch is the stock length, and the popular choice here are the 440's.

The best price I found at the time I was looking was from Summit Racing. They drop ship direct from Progressive and have a very good return policy if you decide to exchange them.
The 440s are the ticket from the Progressive lineup and 12.5" is the closest to our OEM size. If you register over on the VTXOA(.com) site and peruse the VTX 1800 & 1300 classifieds, you might be able to snag a used set for about $300. If you don't ride 2 up, you might get away with using the standards. However, if you carry a load of gear or haul passengers, definitly go with the Heavy Duty.
Thanks for all the help and input.
I talked to my dealer , who said that all they have seen used was the Progressive 430. Spotted a set of Works on Ebay for a great price . This is a great brand. I used them on some BMWs. Only problem with the Ebays is they had a limit of 250. #0 years ago would have been OK, not now.
The 418s were mentioned , found them at a good price. Then talked to the progressive Tech rep. Found out the 418s are on their way out the door. Hes said that the 430 & 440 would be a great choice . Both would ride about the same but the 40shad some extra features . Also a life tine warranty.
Anyhow I found a set of 430s at one site for 268 delivered . I just could not justify to my self the extra monies for the 40s .
Sweet. My 440's were around 600 new.
might as well do the fork springs while your at it.
Progressive fork springs will complete the package and if memory serves they are around $100.
Yeah, the fork springs are cheap .... it's the skin on your hands lost while changing them that's pricey. lol

I did my fork springs with a home made keeper and screw drivers ... OUCH!

If you have tough hands and decent tools it's really not a bad do-it-yourself job,
If not, I recommend fork springs be done at a shop.

They did go nicely with the rear shocks ... it doe's make for a package.
I had my dealer install mine.
I had them use 15w fork oil, new seals and labor was around $150.
What is the stock fork oil ?? The service manual(CD) says SAE 0.
The 15 w sounds about right for this size bike .
Also I learned from the VTX 1800 that it is much better to have the dealer do the fork springs than purchase the special tools to do it.
I have a extra set of new springs for the VTX. I am going to check and see if by chance they are the same.