The stock cams are about very low end.
With a mild tuning profile you will hardly lose anything down there and get a good gain at midrange.
Use the longer opening mainly for overlap and let the intake close just a little later than stock.
@sonny You saw this before, so this is just here as a gentle reminder.
The camshafts Nev made for me, and helped me install (along with key assistance of @warp9.9 - and others on this site) added 18 hp, and raised the entire curve, to wit:
And he says there is likely another 18 horses were I to spring for a 41mm header pipe going to a larger collector and tail pipe -- just not in the current budget.
If you do your own work -- and I know you do -- @Neville Lush street cams mod is the best value out there, after RAMAir, and a slightly less restrictive exhaust (e.g., clean cross-over and TORS or the like).
Was going to point to Neville's awesome drop in cams. All the plots I've seen of them show a healthy raise in torque everywhere and they carry power up top a bit better as well.
If unwilling to lose low end, they are the only option imho.