Old Gringo
I'm putting my house up for sale (my wife wants a pool and it costs too **** much to put one in, so I'll just buy a new home with one already installed. You never get back what you paid for a pool when your house sells). So, I'm moving stuff out of my garage in preparation for the sale. I move my R3T into a storage facility (it's too **** hot for this old man to ride this time of year in Texas). The next day some movers are moving some of our stuff to the facility and spy my bike. They start crooning about what a beautiful Heritage it is. I say "guess again." They rattle off a couple of more Harley models before I stop them and say "take a good look at this motorcycle and you'll see it ain't no **** Harley." They took a close-up good look and agreed..."it sure ain't no **** Harley." Then I informed them just how inferior any Harley is compared to the R3. They were converts by the time the job was done.