Old Gringo

Feb 17, 2015
Frisco, TX
2013 Triumph Rocket III Touring
I'm putting my house up for sale (my wife wants a pool and it costs too **** much to put one in, so I'll just buy a new home with one already installed. You never get back what you paid for a pool when your house sells). So, I'm moving stuff out of my garage in preparation for the sale. I move my R3T into a storage facility (it's too **** hot for this old man to ride this time of year in Texas). The next day some movers are moving some of our stuff to the facility and spy my bike. They start crooning about what a beautiful Heritage it is. I say "guess again." They rattle off a couple of more Harley models before I stop them and say "take a good look at this motorcycle and you'll see it ain't no **** Harley." They took a close-up good look and agreed..."it sure ain't no **** Harley." Then I informed them just how inferior any Harley is compared to the R3. They were converts by the time the job was done.
I know your pain . . .
Sad to day I thought my 2004 V2K v-twin would get more of my seat time.
My last ride on it was Haloween 2014! :eek:
Does make me feel a tad guilty . . .
Lol. I'm with cusso ken..... I believe I will do so to see their reactions.
I bet no one goes up to a Harley rider and says nice Rocket 3 ,could be a fun thing to do :sneaky::sneaky::sneaky:
My youngest boy and I took a ride today over to Bourne. there is a local watering hole here called The Parrot. As usual there were several bikes parked out front. We parked our bikes (R3R & ZZR600) out back. There are a few guys I know in here but a few I don't. As we walk in there is a pretty nice looking Tour Glide and Heritage right near the front door. We belly up to the beer and order a couple of pints. I look to my left and nod my head and say; whats up? The guy says; not much. I say; who owns the two bikes right there? He points to two guys next to him and they look over and say; whats up? I say; not much, nice bikes. Is the black one, one of those new Rockets? He say; ya it goes like a Rocket. I said; I bet it does but is it a Rocket? He says; a what? I said a Triumph Rocket? He says; WTF are you talking about. I said; I guess its not. He says; its a F--king Harley. I said oh, It has dual headlights like one of those Triumphs. He says; F--k that **** Triumph suck. (My kid is laughing. I gave him a heads up before we went in.) So I say; OH ya, have you had a Triumph before? He says; no but my dad did back in the 60s. I said; so he was a cool guy? He says; ya he was. I say pretty cool. This whole time there is a couple in here that my wife and I recently rode with on a charity ride. He has a really nice 99 Valkyrie and they are both laughing. We finish our beers and get on our bikes. I roll around the front of the place where the Tour glide & Heritage are, my sons bike has a Yoshi pipe so its a little loud. They look out the window and I can see them looking at my bike, I nod and roll out. So Cusso Ken, I will need to try this again with a rider that is more familiar with the Rockets.
Sometimes I pass a group of Harleys and from the front first glance the Touring looks like a Heritage or some other Harley with the single headlight and two smaller driving lights and the screen, they give a nod then the head swivel when the realise they have been mistaken, My riding buddy with the new Honda FB6 gets all the attention now at the bike Café coffee shops we visit , :confused: