Had the opportunity to take it for a longer ride around on suburban roads yesterday and it's not a scalpel like my Speed Triple, or as nimble as my Bobber Black (altho has better cornering clearance), it does the job in a unique way. It doesn't need revs to be happy. It will putter on at 35mph in 4th as easily as in 3rd (or 2nd) just give it some fun handle and the speed goes up smoothly without drama. It takes the twisty stuff just fine although requiring some moderate effort at the tiller but doesn't fight the input (it's just a lot of mass to change direction). I see and now understand why the handle bars are so wide on this thing. Seat is very comfortable bordering on Lazy Boy level of cushioning, and the footboards allow quite a bit of foot movement to take pressure off my hips calves. Overall a very comfy and satisfying ride albeit the bike was made for long days in the seat, which I haven't done in awhile. Maybe this will encourage more miles in a single trip. For the roads I took yesterday my other bikes are better suited, however I won't shy away from riding my Storm when the mood hits for some serious grunt out of corners. Just have to remember to scrub enough speed off at entry to avoid exit drama.