Mirrors with rear-facing blinker repeaters.


Staff member
Mar 17, 2008
South East Oz
'05 Puffin Billy '20 GT
There have been mirrors around for a while with forward-facing blinker repeaters and running lights.

Rivco have available mirrors with the above, AND rear-facing blinker repeaters. They are LEDs and very bright.


Not cheap!! Anyway, have just fitted a pair, easy swap, simple wiring hook-in, no additional relays or load equalisers needed.

Blinker repeaters are very bright, should be a big help in traffic. Could perhaps be TOO bright at night time - if I rode at night time.

Due to shape of mirrors, and convex lenses, horizontal rear vision is much better, and convex lenses are not so distorted as to be a worry. Vertical vision is less than with the Mickey Mouse OEMs, if you're worried about not spotting possums in trees.

Vertical adjustment on the pivot ball is a bit limited, had to rotate the handlebar controls a little on the bars. Not much, no prob.

Also serves as reminder if you forget to turn blinkers off after the turn.... saves your mates racing up alongside and making open-closed hand gestures at you.......:roll:
That'd be right, I usually find out after the event!! Anywhere I can find a few pics, Skip?????
Here's a pic of the ones I've got Ruz.
straight out of the jpcycle.com catalog online.

Still two hundred bucks, Skip, plus you need a load equaliser $30-60 to instal, so much the same pricing. So its a choice of "looks...."