Mid Atlantic Meet up????

Paul, it's Sunday!

Matthew 18:20
"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."
I never joke around about actual rides, that would be sacrilege! I was out there a few weeks ago for work and was missing the Rocket so bad as there are so many tight little, no line back roads to feast upon

Sacrilege is trailering and an abomination to the Lord.
Suggested by @warp9.9 , this site looks interesting for road suggestions:

Appalachian Back Roads

And here's a fancy map

And I want to run the Cherohala Skyway

And the oft-mentioned Back of the Dragon to which the Skyway connects

And Claw of the Dragon

I (still!) can afford neither the time nor the money to do all this at once, and will want to bite off bite-sized chunks -- think long weekends.

I'll throw some ideas out, and encourage others to do the same, and when we can get together, will be grand, and when just the two of us, will be just great.
Dave, Dan and I are riding the Emporium, PA area next weekend, if anyone is nearby.