The counter steering is no big deal.
The banked road issue might be if your legs are not ready.
Otherwise, for me, it is OK. I'm about to take the drive off to lube the splines and the tire looks new after 5K miles.
Perhaps I've rounded it up a little.
Flip... if you have someone mount it for you for a certain price just include that in your write up of the tire purchase. I would assume that many of the "low ball" prices found online are shipped to your door and you would have to mount it yourself. We may find that shipping costs and mounting costs may cancel each other out. Keep in mind that many people don't have the tools or desire to do it themselves and they may be very happy to spend a little extra coin at the dealer to get it done.
Soooo... if someone buys a tire or sees a good price just include all the info in the write up... no big deal. I just thought it would be a bit of a public service to Rocket owners since we eat tires so quickly :bchi
Ive bought online and had my local mc tire shop install instead of me because theyll balance and ive pinched tubes b4.
But he told me the ones you order online are "not perfect" thats how they can be so cheap. Tho ive never had issues. But ill probably order thru him just to help the little guy. (They just opened a cycle gear store here) .going over to check it out today. Btw