Metal Overflow bottles to replace ugly plastic crap.

I just mounted a Weapon-R coolant overflow. Works great and looks good.

Make sure you order the right part number: 826-134-101

Summit Racing has a bunch. That's where I found mine, don't remember the part number though.
I love Summit ... their customer service and return policy is second to none.

Got to try Progressive 440's and settle on 418's with their help. Good people.

Dragger, that weapon R site is the ****! Those guys sure know how to bling up a website don't they? lol
I got mine at the Army surplus.
paid $4.00 for a metal canteen.
$1.00 at lowes for a brass hose connector,
had some JBWeld and now have a perfect overflow bottle
for $5.00 total.
It fits real good in that little circle under the seat where the air filter use to live.
Had a water bottle, but I'm always on a quest to make it better, cheaper...
I like the way my Weapon R looks....kinda like a nox bottle.