That's good to know about lubing the cables. I do religiously anyway but it makes sense. I have to say that I don't know how the MCCruise works because the previous owner had it installed. I've got the operating instructions but not installation or description of how it works. Will have to go to the website and download the instructions. I didn't notice any movement in the throttle grip when I tested it.
I have a liquid graphite cable lube kit that. It's slippery stuff but makes a real mess if you get it on the hands.
They are quite a sheaf of papers and they change every so often, so they are not downloadable anymore, but email the place and they will happily send you some in PDF on request. That's what I did so I could see what I was getting into. They included a paper copy with my kit as well.
They are quite a sheaf of papers and they change every so often, so they are not downloadable anymore, but email the place and they will happily send you some in PDF on request. That's what I did so I could see what I was getting into. They included a paper copy with my kit as well.
Now got the CIU mounted and the coolant bottle remounted. Cables have preliminary adjustment, and the control pod is mounted. I am pooped and I got an MRI in the morning, but will start laying out the wiring harness and plugging it in after they finish magnetizing my brain.
Installation is complete, it's a fairly straightforward install though with what seems like a million little steps. I am not sure I got on film every sequence I intended to get...but I will start editing when I get in the mood. I do know much will end up on the cutting room floor. As for checking things out, the weather is bad and getting worse so there won't be a ride anytime soon but the cable slack adjustments and diagnostic tests went swimmingly and I reckon a ride will reveal a need for nothing more than the tiniest tweaks if any. Thanks to Motorcycle Cruise Controls, Throttle Locks, Speed Limiters for ATV's and @Tony Guymer for well engineered product!
They are quite a sheaf of papers and they change every so often, so they are not downloadable anymore, but email the place and they will happily send you some in PDF on request. That's what I did so I could see what I was getting into. They included a paper copy with my kit as well.
After reading this it occurred to me that I had another box of stuff that I got from the guy who I bought my 3T from and, sure enough, there was a telephone book sized set of directions in it. As I leaved through it last night out in my shop, I noted the pic of how the cable goes over the bear claw intake air box, for want of a better term. . If I remove this to install the RamAir, must I then have to reroute that cable or at least adjust it?
You might be looking at an obsolete version....the pull cable from the servo routes around the front of the engine to the CIU which is right next to the factory throttle spool. There are several wires which come from the CC Computer and route along the left side and should get worked into the bundles of other wires on the bike. Removal of the bearclaw should cause no problem. And removing the stock air plenum would be no worse than it normally is so installing Ramair should be done as recommened by the Ramair people. Incidentally, if you remove the stock intake system, it will not go back together! Not so that it won't be sucking unfiltered air everywhere. I believe the outer and inner plenums were installed with the engine out. And were therefore already in place when the frame was brought down onto the engine.
I did not install my McCruise, Freedom Cycle here in Vegas did. It has been trouble free for 2 years and it makes life on the hi way so easy. I use this bike more than my Boss Hoss for the long trips because the McCruise is so good. Its pricey but changes the bike dramatically. I always had wrist rockets etc but I will never go back, real cruise is just so much better.
I'm really glad to see people catching on with this. I geuss that mine has been on for a couple of years now and has been faultless from go. Just back from Tasmania where there isn't a straight road and MCCruise was still indispensable, being able to press the set or resume button out of a corner, give my right hand a shake ready to grab some brakes into the next corner which turned it off. remember that if you have @DEcosse keyless you will need to talk to him about diode in the clutch switch wire. Cost me 80c and 15 mins and all good.
I am uploading first film (actually a quick remapping session) Here is the address of my Channel John Garrison Subscribe if you wish and click the bell icon to get notification when something new appears. I am still editing the Cruise Control install....over 50 clips to be evaluated!
Actually, I just checked the meter and it will be at least 1300 Eastern time before it's published. Doggone DSL connection!