Can I join in on the fun? I live 26 miles SE of Mt Airy. Lots of good wineries, good restaurants, and great rides in the area. It's my Rocket launch pad.
Absolutely! I live in Dobson and in process of getting quotes/group rates at area hotels. I'm pushing for the Hampton Inn off I-77 (exit 93) since they host the annual Triumph (car) owners group every year. If you would like to PM me, I would appreciate some assistance setting up/road captaining some rides.
Sounds outstanding. I have already requested vacation time from work so we will be there. Been following the Where post for the RAA run and not happy with results. Having a Triumph event in Harley land seems kind of whacked to me. This sounds like it would be a hole lot of fun. Spent some time riding around that part of the country while stationed in Norfolk V.A. loved it. Please keep us updated on this.
Anymore thoughts on this?
@UKAlumni93 were you able to reserve that block of rooms?
I've contacted three different lodges/hotels and all requested I get back with them at the end of this month to reserve successive rooms. I would like to have an idea of a head count to give a preliminary number. I estimated based on the Maggie Valley event and have said between 20 and 30 rooms..
I know the event is still some time off but if this gathering is one that you are interested and/or planning on attending please reply to this post as to allow me to get a working head count to relay in negotiating room blocks. Thanks and looking forward to seeing some of you again and meeting others..
Remember- "Don't eat the fruit"...