For anyone not at dinner tonight, @UKAlumni93, we are meeting at Snappy Lunch on Main Street in Mt Airy for breakfast at 0900. All are welcome, we will discuss riding plans there.
Also for a great burger- Leroy's on Main Street Mount Airy is the "Home of the California Burger"... Don't know about being the home but definitely is a great meal!
Also O'Dells on 89 in Mount Airy is an old school "grandfather" of Sonic type drive up eatery (has picnic tables outside for the non-cage drivers) with FANTASTIC food!
Family dinner at Earl's Diner in Hillville, VA. Me, Teraeric, Kerry, Mary, Joesmoe and Wei, Speedy and Mully. Burgers so good they fell apart in our hands.
Stay clear of Charlotte folks.. I'm geared up and heading there now to extract my youngest son who is a student at UNCC. Hopefully will see you all in the morning at Snappy Lunch. If not I will hit someone up for riding plans. Rest well.
No Outlaw photographs is the rule. Peach/mango, cherry, mxed berry and nakid pie. You come find me. I'll be fly in my George Jetson barcolounger as 1Olbull calls it.