Mass shooting in Christchurch.

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Scary stuff I hope nobody on here or their families have been affected
I didn't think the public was allowed guns there?

Yes we have a very large hunting community.

And lots of large animals running around the back blocks and mountains.

The saying is that guns don't kill people, people kill people.

And when you have a mad people doing that s#it what can you do.
Yes we have a very large hunting community.

And lots of large animals running around the back blocks and mountains.

The saying is that guns don't kill people, people kill people.

And when you have a mad people doing that s#it what can you do.
I hate to see it has spread to you! guess there are "Mad" idiots everywhere!
Thanx guys for the responses. Yes we are able to have firearms here in NZ. You must be licensed which involves a vigorous testing and sweep of your character etc. Handguns are not allowed as part of that but can be owned if you are a member of a pistol club in which case the weapon is under lock and key within the club.
The guy who has been charged is indeed an Australian but that is not significant to me...he could have been from anywhere.
Apparently he had an agenda and came her to train himself for an attack back in Aussie but found that Christchurch had alot more 'targets' than he had imagined so this is where he decide it would happen.
For him to film himself doing all this killing and then release the footage on social media shows his mentality.
The thing is, there will be people who support what he has done out there and who knows what will develop from it.

My thoughts are with families affected by all this...i mean, kids without a parent or parents...parents without children or badly injured for life...home life thrown into dissaray...cant income....complete sadness ..
Then there is the people who have had to deal with the aftermath...those who witness the mayhem...blood and guts and bits and pieces...these thoughts and pictures in their mind from hereon in.
All because of this one guy.
It’s a terrible and senseless act, and we may never know the truth behind the this horrific act. There are some reports out there that are contradicting? I hope they don’t point the finger in the wrong direction.
Hang tough New Zealanders!
Sorry to hear about this carnage, people have been killing each other over religion for century's.. I saw the video he started off with a shot gun after it was empty he threw it down and switched over to an AR-15 that he had printed other mass shootings names on his gun. He was using 40 round magazines.
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