The new law is for military style semi automatic rifles to be handed in. It came into force today at 1500hrs. Owners will be paid for their weapons.
Small calibre .22 semi auoto's are ok.
Fears are the weapons will be driven underground as there is no record of the weapons out there.
A number of years back I was riding in California with a couple of couple of Australian friends awith one asking me if we could visit a gun shop. As we looked over the inventory he told me of the fine arms he had to turn in followig Australia's pass following the horrific Tasmanian mass shooting. I asked why he turned them over and his answer was that he had to because of the law. I thought it to be an odd answer at the time.
A number of years back I was riding in California with a couple of couple of Australian friends awith one asking me if we could visit a gun shop. As we looked over the inventory he told me of the fine arms he had to turn in followig Australia's pass following the horrific Tasmanian mass shooting. I asked why he turned them over and his answer was that he had to because of the law. I thought it to be an odd answer at the time.
it is an odd answer but most people are law abiding and because of that it is easy to make a law and those who are not your real targets will abide by it while those who operate outside the law will continue to ignore the laws put in place. It is just common sense. But then you do have that pesky 3% to contend with.
it is an odd answer but most people are law abiding and because of that it is easy to make a law and those who are not your real targets will abide by it while those who operate outside the law will continue to ignore the laws put in place. It is just common sense. But then you do have that pesky 3% to contend with.
What is most interesting is that the ground has shifted on this in the US with sheriffs across the west refusing to enforce some of the idiotic firearms laws recently passed because they consider them unconstitutional. New Mexico, Oregon, Nevada and Washington are some with I believe Montana sheriff's departments joining in. In one state it is over 75% of the counties either vowing not to enforce new laws or declaring them to be "2nd Amendment" sanctuary towns and counties.
The one passed by referendum here in Washington requiring that even private firearms transactions go through the instant background check is routinely violated. Prior to the vote, most of the police organizations in the state were against it as unnecessary and unenforceable. I believe the county sheriff in Republic was one of the first to say he wouldn't enforce the law.
When I initially thought my Aussie friend's response to be odd I did so viewing it through my paradigm but quickly came to understand that they don't have our history and culture, nor anything like the 2nd Amendment of our Bill of Rights.
Today...Friday the 29th of March, it is two weeks from the day of madness. 'There is a National Remembrance Service being held in the city at Hagley Park. There are a number of dignitaries here from all over the globe including Cat Stevens who sang 'Peace Train' and one other song. He speaks well and said something that struck a chord with me...he said,
"We are all bruthas here...we may have different mothers but we have the same common love" i'm not a religious person....well not to the extent where i go to church and worship...i know alot of you do and that's good, but i get what he means. The recent events has bought this city and indeed the countries people can sense it when you walk among others...down at the local shopping centre or wherever.
It has never been an issue with me what religion, color, race you are, and now i feel that feeling has spread and people are more as one. That my friends is a good thing.
We have a similar bond within this forum...people from all over the world communicating...laughing, debating and sharing knowledge...good healthy stuff..
All because of a common!.. and in particular the mighty Rocket Three.