Making a Rocket look like this...

Afraid I have to call BS on the VTX being the baddest V-Twin.
I have owned a V2K 2053cc V-Twinsince 2004 that stock for stock will kick ass on a VTX 1800cc and has many times!

Perhaps consider being a tad more careful with the hyperbole.

The M109 will outrun both of them, and look better doing it too.

IMHO the baddest V-Twin is clearly the V2K.
I owned one before my Rocket, and there is no other bike that accelerates with such authority while you can still count those single power pulses. Each explosion will push you a few meters to the horizon. Torque was very good, and rwhp over 100 with that Vance & Hines exhaust. In terms of sound it was equal to any Harley.
So, all in all the V2K really delivered. Most people have never sat on it, so they don't know.
@mattmillme keep looking now, not all bikes wait till winter to be cost conscience.

For you other guys, I am somewhat partial to the Star Raider when it comes to V-Twins. I absolutely love its grunt and handling. And I won't toss teh VROD away either if we are going to talk V-Twins. It is small enough that its power to weight ratio really works well.
pomegranates are a nice fruit and the seeds (arils) are very tasty, practically no Cholesterol or salt and full of fibre ,we grow them in Australia but I think they originally came from the middle east
You mean this? We have them in Mexico, call them granates, plain


Twas so for me as well and that's why I still own my V2K!
Having the R3R, "Bruiser" does not get ridden much, but looks good sitting in the garage.
I have a friend that had one. He is 90 pounds lighter than me, and he never could keep up with my M109. I did have after market intake, pipe, and PCIII. She put out 126 hp/ 121 tq.

Both of my VTXs put out over 100 rwhp and 115 ft lbs. of torque. No V2K ever smoked me. A handful of worked V-Rods did, just barely and not off the line, and I never met a stock M109 that got the better of me either, but they were brand new when I lost my last Honda.
My 2 biggest issues with my 109s were the transmission weren't very good, and bolt on power was all it could handle. Once anyone got head & cam work done, the bottom end wouldn't last long.