MaggieValley, the aftermath,,,,,,,

Kind of liked the kid. I think she would look fine on a 2010 Fatboy with a S&S 124. Got to get rid of it so wife will let me get the next addition. Get with you Lupe in a couple of days and discuss the details. Dirt cheap not looking at the money just a owner that will respect the bike. Can and will price and adjust to suit her budget. It will be my honor to provide a ride she can offered. That impressed with her. It is all good. Forgot something. Will sell at a loss only under one condition. NO STRIPPER BOOTS ALLOWED.
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Guy has a heart of gold
Quietly I let go of my heavy weight Triumph jacket to Gr3ywolf this weekend. He needs it in PA. I have other Triumph stuff but will drop it at STB's and Rainmans to be distributed to the needy. I reckon that my Trumpet days have drawn to a close when I pulled out Sunday. I know I'll always be family but..........

It's been fun over the years and I miss my Triumphs but the sunset calls me. God bless you all.