Maggie in June

Enjoyed the hospitality of Gabby and hubby on two occasions.
Wonderful hosts and a great atmosphere to be sure!
Nothing but fun, succulent twisties to eat-up in the area!
Wish I could come, but tis just too many days ride for my bid-ness schedule.
What business, the retirement business? I'm gonna be disappointed, I heard it was easy.

Da taking money from lawyers (mouth-pieces) and insurance (extortion) companies bi-ness!
Da taking money from lawyers (mouth-pieces) and insurance (extortion) companies bi-ness!
Your doing good! Never got a dime FROM and lawer. And, If you put all the $ you paid in premiums on one scale, the $ you got back in claims on another, well, in my case it's about 95% in the wrong direction. So you olbull, are killing it!
Your doing good! Never got a dime FROM and lawer. And, If you put all the $ you paid in premiums on one scale, the $ you got back in claims on another, well, in my case it's about 95% in the wrong direction. So you olbull, are killing it!

I be BLESSED for sure!