M***erFing&%$$***@%#* nail in the BRAND NEW Excedra Max!

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Don't think any product/company is going to tell you their product is meant to act as a permanent fix - due to liability issues. That being said, many have had good luck with various products/means of fixing for many miles. IMHO, due to the nail size, I would start with Ride-On, If you're having issues with any kind of slow leak after that, then move on to a patch.
If you're concerned with keeping a close eye on tire pressures, get a cheap Bluetooth TPMS system that uses valve cap sensors/senders and link them to your phone. If you have a intercom or BT stereo setup, the app will scream at you if the tire pressure goes below a set point that you identify.
I had the same thing happen to an Emax that was only a month old. same size nail - This worked great for that size nail:

I did, however, pick up two screws in the following two months on same tire, used the larger Dyna-Plug kit & the holes were too large as it spit those plugs out!
Replaced that tire and put the Ride-On tire sealant/ballancer product in and have not had a flat on the last 3 Emax's
i had bought a fairly new exmax with a nail hole from a member and the beads were a little messed up.
what i did was to squeeze black rtv into the hole then install the plug. because of the bead prob i installed it myself and rtv the beads. worked good no leaks i have ran this tire on a 800 mile trip in the arizona heat still working good. also over 100
i think on a repair what u have to watch for is a slow leak but if u r smart u will do that anyway.
Keep it simple. Just take it to a shop that will install a Plug Patch. Ride like nothing happened.

I have been using these for over 30 years. On cars, 18 wheelers, and motorcycles. Never a failure. I had one in my Rocket's last front tire and have one in my Rocket's current rear tire. It is strangely funny how soon after installing new tires, you often get a flat.

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For many years I had to run my bike with tubes. I was worried about a nail event so I decided to use a product called TPS. Basically, it’s just tire goop but it works excellent. I would patch it from the inside and run TPS in both tires. It’s good stuff.
I have used ride on for years. It’s great stuff and cheap insurance.

A certified tire professional, my a$$! Have you seen the guy that usually fixes flat tires! He’s usually the owners sons friend that’s to retarded and dirty to clean dishes at Denny’s!! Like there’s an apprenticeship program for certification of tire repair specialist!!!

I know I was a uncertified tire repair non-specialist in high school working at the gas station at night! Drink beer, smoking pot, short oil sticking selling empty cans of oil to morons, giving people bogus direction, trying not to get arrested and telling women their cars are leaking something after washing their windows!
I finally, mostly grew up!