Luimoto Seat Cover

I have the suede/leather read & black version. Aesthetically I think they add a really unique touch, and the suede on mine keeps you planted in the seat.

Downside is that none of their options are waterproof. So every time it rains or you wash your bike the saddle will be wet for a long time. They sell expensive bags to put over the seats for when you wash them, I use a trash bag but its a hassle.
Just realised that the one I link to above isn't actually leather either (or I'm assuming that given the word leather doesn't actually appear anywhere on the page), and so, not waterproof. Kinda lost all interest in it now! Crazy money for a small bit of synthetic material that not even waterproof!

Did you remove the original seat cover first @Muscle_Cruiser? Or did you just install it over the top of the existing one?
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Yes, you remove the old cover first. Anyone can do the install if they get a cheap air stapler and have some patience stretching the material.
What you want are oversize shower caps for Afro hair do’s. I’m not joking Afro hair shower caps, I’ve got two for the individual seats on the Royal Star I just got rid of.