
Good On Ya Nathan. Your speech and your partners poem where both beautiful mate.

I stoked you are going to keep Pete's bike and join the boys up north. Would be awesome to see you on the annual RDU's as well! I'll be sure to keep in touch whenever I come up your way, which isn't often but does happen.
Hey Nathan spoken like a true gentleman mate , your fathers son through and through , I'm on the Goldy at Miami any time your keen for a burn let me know .
Hi Nathan. Good to see you are keen to join us on here and on rides. The blokes up in your part will be only to glad to have you along as we would too but we are a little too far south. They are good bunch of guys and will certainly look after you and assist you with getting some experience in riding the Rocket.
Liked the poem and the speeches you guys did also.
Take care and I may see you on a trip sometime, I hope. Regards to all Mal.
Hi Nathan, Thankyou again for your kind words,
you will be more than welcome to come on a ride or sometimes we just meet up at Canungra for Brekkie
We will keep in touch for sure.
G'day Nathan, mate. What a great thing to both see your Dad's name pop up and for you to join us. Bloody brilliant.

By the way, that thumbs up will for ever have a double meaning when I use it on you.

I've posted a pic of you before on here but I dug up the original thread so that others can learn a little more about you. Sorry, but you're one of us now so everything is fair game.
Mate or send to me I can edit it and make it into a Peter k tribute movie with pics of the day and any pics ppl suggest , believe me I'm handy with multimedia

What a great idea and a generous offer mate. If you're prepared to do that I'm happy to give you whatever I have.
For some reason my gopro cable seems to have quit but the micro card plugged in OK. There's a lot of pretty uninteresting stuff so rather than my just dumping it on YouTube how about I send you the card and let you have a play.
I'll e-mail any pics I have too. Everyone else should do the same.
What's the best way to get images to you? I think I still have your postal address somewhere.