
Finally managed to get the gopro footage onto the computer.
Now what?

I managed to get myself perfectly positioned for that hoon @Gothlander 's burnout and than Pete's brother parked Pete's bike exactly in the way. The smoke did drift down over Pete's bike so it looks pretty cool anyway.
Most of the footage is on the highway but a nice reminder of the day.

@bruce aussie I did see that WA personage lash out with his mobility appendage at the law enforcement vehicular carriage device but sadly didn't get it on the camera. Must say it looked a little like he was about to urinate on it though ....a disappointing and uncharacteristic display of disrespect I must say. Shameful.

First post it on You Tube (not difficult) and then it can be uploaded here.
@bruce aussie I did see that WA personage lash out with his mobility appendage at the law enforcement vehicular carriage device but sadly didn't get it on the camera. Must say it looked a little like he was about to urinate on it though ....a disappointing and uncharacteristic display of disrespect I must say. Shameful. [/QUOTE]
If you witnessed this alleged offence you probably should contact the afore mentioned Beenleigh Law Enforcement Establishment and give a statement so we can get this recalcitrant offender off the street.
Hey everyone, Nathan here, Pete's younger son and proud inheretant of dad's rocket. From the bottom of all the hearts of those in kirwood family, I want to thank you all for the amazing turnout and dedication you have all shown to my dad over the past 18 months and in particular, at dad's funeral. You guys made the day one to truly remember, he loved you guys like brothers and for that Mum, Ben and myself do too. Thank you all so much for the support you gave dad and mum and the support I know you will continue to give. I also want to thank all the guys who leant their beloved rockets to the guys that rode on Wednesday, without you, Wednesday wouldn't have been as amazing as it was. I also want to thank those that came from all over Australia, it was a big ask to arrange for as many of you guys to be there in such little time. Dad would have loved to see you all having a good time reminiscing on the times you have all had together and with him
I will be regularly on the site now using dad's profile, il try to keep in touch through this forum as much as possible. Once I've managed to get a few more km's under my belt on the bike, I would be more than honoured to join you guys on rides in the future.
Once again, thank you for all everything that you have all done for dad over this tough time. You are truly a bunch of top blokes and I'm sure, backed by some amazing women (thought I better cover myself there, haha)
Take care guys and talk soon.
Hi Nathan
And thank you for taking the time to write this - I was one who could not make it but Richard rode my R3, I look forward to meeting you in person, Please feel free to continue here as we all welcome you.
When I read this I got a bit watery eye..... It must be dusty here ---- or something.
Good onya bloke.
Nathan your welcome on any ride we go on. As was said many times on Wednesday your dad Pete was a good bloke and I'm sure you and Ben are the mirror image of your dad in every way. Your right the Rocket will take a little getting used to but you'll be right.

That there is a fine stand up son making his father PROUD!!!