
you blokes, and the obvious amount of love, and caring, for this rocket captain "lucky" is emotionally moving and inspiring!! and i am dead straight. i could only dream to have friends as good as you dudes!!.......................scott
We'll be getting some more pics up I'm sure but I just want to firstly say what a moving and emotional day it was. Great to get together with such a top bunch of blokes and to catch up with the likes of Brin (tekcor) and Pete (Gothlander) and Jim (motolink) who I haven't seen for a couple of years, as well at TC, Bruce, Les, Mitch, Ponters, Malcy. Nice also to meet Wrecka and Paul Jacobs. But sad at the same time.

I'd also like to put out a huge thank you to @Mittzy for allowing me to ride his bike and be part of the convoy. It was real privilege Tony and I can see why you spent all that money. Even being gentle that bike of yours is a beast and a half.
Pete's 3 brothers and Rocket owners

Pete's brother Rob, Motolink, Pete's brother Jim, Wrecka, tekcor, Helen (Mrs Ozrider), Ozrider, yours truly, Paul Jacobs, Mitchie, Julie and Bruce, Pete's brother Steve, Ponters, Gothlander - who did one f#kn huge burnout outside the crematorium. TC was taking a picture himself and @Malcy can't be seen either. The thumbs up was for Pete; it was his main form of communication towards the end.
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It sure was a very moving and emotionally charged tribute for a man very loved and cherished by his family and many others.

The Rocket Guard of honour ride lead by Peters son on Peters Rocket and followed by all the other Rockets was something very special for Peter.
@Malcy must have been hiding somewhere too as he didn't get in the photo.
@Malcy must have been hiding somewhere too as he didn't get in the photo.

I was busy getting Trev's camera out of the car but not to worry.
A very moving service with lots of tales of Peter in his earlier days.
What a loving caring guy he was and a great dad. I was humbled to be there with the rest of you guys.
I will finish by saying "if you think about visiting a friend or a family member, don't wait or put it off just do it".
I had very little sleep last night and I had an early start today so please excuse my post if it's not quite right. Thanks guys. Mal.
Not to worry mate we will catch up at some stage.
BTW your bike sounds very healthy mate and was well looked after.