Low miles: clutch gone bad

If it is a TRIUMPH FACTORY WARRANTY - Make it Triumph USA's problem.
While doing it, just go with MTC fibers, they're crazy cheap and crazy good.

$123 for a set of fibers that'll hold any amount of power thrown at them if you've got the right springs in, plus you eliminate the janky judder crap Triumph added in.

What about the Barnett fibers ? I already got them but waiting for wintertime installing them. Do I have to regret waisted money ?
Umm About 7,000 RPM wheel standing up a gentle hill and about to change to second gear - felt a sudden vibration and shut her off - I got lucky hear I think
Picture of the clutch basket is nice but a picture of you doing this would be even better!
I know. I just ordered a set @$233.88 I'm about too reserch the MTC fibers now.
Dude if you have barnett fibers already Nev says therir good for 250 horse or a little more. Don't think you got to spend extra money because one set might be better then the other perfect set. Im running 243 hp on oem fibers and carpenter springs. In fact if your steals are fine and all you need is fibers I bet I can come up with a good set out of the extras I've collected over the years.

Oh and @Boog your welcome to the fibers as well.
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As I have been there in course of time so far, I also have collected some 'extra's'.Precious results of 'try and error'. I suggest we swap some extra's with each other Steels are still fine. I have a bit bit more than 250 hp so anyway no barnett. For a couple of weeks I did ordered Carpenter springs (and head studs).I just have to wait when Carpenter is gonna sending over those parts.
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Quick question.... Should I put my fluids back into the bike? Being that I've only tracked 5kmiles. Or buy new fluids? Radiator and clutch. Since I will have to drain them out to remove the cover.