I have zero problems with getting off the Rocket after 120 miles. Most of us geezers' need the break anyway. With the neck and back problems and the prostate the size of an Idaho potato I enjoy the breaks. It would be nice if the Rocket had a true 6 gallon tank but it is what it is so every 120 miles it's break time. I'm not out to set any records. Not anymore that is.
Iv'e only done about 4000kms on my Triple Black and its still loosening up obviously. The fuel useage is showing 15.0km per litre at the moment. When i sold my 2020 GT it was showing 15.9km per litre with 11000 kms on the clock.....At this rate i should safely get 250kms out of a tank providing i dont give her the berries!
Well to clear things up the 120 miles is all freeway. The around town and twisties I don't even bother to check cause it is in fact ugly. Freeway good mileage, town riding yikes!
I have gone as much as 15 miles after it said 0 miles to empty. However once it got to 0 miles to empty and it ran out about 1/2 a mile later. So after that I never let it get that close if I can help it. Most of the time there is still a gallon or so left anyway but like I said I try not to push it any more. For what its worth I have over 43,000 mile on the GT and my cumulative mpg is about 37. And I am pretty heavy on the throttle.
It must be nice to go past empty. Being the anal retentive with some OCD added I start looking for a gas station when I hit 100 to 110 miles. If I don't do this I'm fairly certain my head will explode. Now you know.
My gas light comes on at around 125-130 miles under my average riding style that includes no freeway and plenty of throttle. I have taken the thing down to zero miles on the range indicator and still had a half gallon in it. At my average or 39 mpg I had less than 20 miles to flat out ,if it would suck it all up. That is to close for comfort for me. I don't recall the total miles on the tank but I feel comfortable going to 150 miles per tank.