Low fuel light fix with pictures

This is definitely the post of the year. Had a local bike mechanic at dealer tell me forums are full of **** self taught blokes with no factory training. Well screw him and the dealer there is no other place to give such an accurate and concise direction for dealing with the fuel level indication errors, not even triumph themselves have done anything like this. Post of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great post i have a fuel guage and still have around 12 litres in tank when empty on gauge
If your thinking about messing with it you definitely can get it better. Of course since your bike is a early model I would first check and see if you have the newer float and switch that came in the update kit. Other wise the float is easy to bend for adjustment just a challenge to take it in and out without bending it. I have seen guys adjust/bend the float sending unit thru the neck of the tank but you have to hold your face straight when doing it
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Warp is there any real advantage to replacing the older bike sending unit with the new one in the up date kit ?

I am getting ready to pull my sending unit out to change the filter. I have the new unit in my up date kit. I currently get the gas light come on at 4.2 gallons used. So I have 2.1 gallons left when it lights. It's a bugger, but I've gotten used to it. I was thinking about putting a little bend in the float arm to reduce it just a tad. May be change it so the light comes on at 1.5 gallons left in the tank. What are your thoughts ?

Interesting for a new kid like me to look at the "Last seen" for each the posters, and realize how many are no longer with us, and move on, and conversely how resilient is the demand for the Rocket.
That was a great post. Just hope my tank never gets dented enough to try it.
Well when I started reading this post and saw it was back from 2007 I wasn't sure if I should post on it, but I was glad to see it was still alive in 2016. So I'm having all the same issues that it seems everyone else is having with this POS fuel gauge. I understand the procedure that's described to fix it but I have a question....
If you set the float to have the light come on when it 'bottoms out', or that little bit prior, aren't you leaving no room for a reserve, or is it set up that once the float hits bottom THEN you are running on reserve? Curious minds want to know??
(And BTW I know I'm late to the party on this but that was an excellent post!!)

I would leave it alone. One of the reason you are left with 2 plus gallons of fuel is to cool the fuel pump down and have a reserve of fuel. Even if you used one gallon you still have one gallon around the pump. Heat will kill fuel pumps fast. Why take a chance. Great post and pictures I just think is a good idea to leave it alone.