Low fuel light fix with pictures

Great post

I just got to this forum and the first thing I see is your tech posting on fixing the light. I figure it will also help with the fuel gauge reading improperly also. I fill up go 30 miles and am at a half a tank. I go 70 miles and am down to 1/4. Get a low fuel light, gauge showing nothing in the tank and can only get 4.8 gallons in to the tank. I may try this the next time I have the tank off. Of course I bought a new bike so I wouldn't have to do this type thing but the dealer is 3 hour drive away. Thanks for a great tech tip.
The weather has been crappy here so I haven't gassed up for a month or so but 4.8 gallons sounds about right for the low fuel light to come on. But yes you do need to do this fix for the gauge, it is a very comman issue. And welcome to the site.
Welcome aboard BigWillie,
I guess everybody has had that problem.
I'm sure you'll find lots more tech tips here,but all in all,
even with the few problems mentioned here, there's still no other bike like it.
A blast EVERY time you climb on board.
What'd you buy anyway?
is there a way to adjust the gage? I'm on empty and i can still go 15 miles when the miles left is on zero. I no this by running after i hit zero . and ran it till it stopped.
And yes i did have a gallon can in my bag so i could fill it back when i ran out.

08 touring
After hitting zero on the gauge you only went another 15 miles before it died? ****, I'd be very happy with that accuracy, I wouldn't tinker with that at all. IMO
By design, you're supposed to be able to run about 25 miles. Actually, it doesn't say a certain mileage, but a volume. It just works out to around 25 miles or so in my case. I forget the figure, but it's in the owner's manual; at least it is for my Tiger and Thunderbird.
p.s. I concur with the others. If you ran 15 miles after the light came on, I wouldn't touch it! Now you know what your reserve is. Some folks are running out of gas while the meter still says they have XX miles to go to empty. Now, that's a problem.
p.s.s. I wonder if the vendor for the float assembly is American Standard or another toilet manufacturer?